index-linked gilt — A gilt, the interest and capital of which change in line with the Retail Price Index. Exchange Handbook Glossary … Financial and business terms
index-linked gilt — A gilt edged security in which the UK government has an obligation to increase both interest and redemption payments pro rata to increases in the Retail Price Index. Interest payments are calculated using the ratio of the RPI for the start date… … Accounting dictionary
index-linked gilts — See gilt edged security; indexation … Big dictionary of business and management
gilt-edged security — gilt A fixed interest security or stock issued by the British government in the form of Exchequer stocks or Treasury stocks. Gilts are among the safest of all investments, as the government is unlikely to default on interest or on principal… … Accounting dictionary
gilt-edged security — gilt A fixed interest security or stock issued by the British government in the form of Exchequer stocks or Treasury stocks. Gilts are among the safest of all investments, as the government is unlikely to default on interest or on principal… … Big dictionary of business and management
Linked Data — Das Semantische Web (englisch Semantic Web) ist eine Erweiterung des World Wide Web (WWW). Das Konzept beruht auf einem Vorschlag[1] von Tim Berners Lee, dem Begründer des World Wide Web. Seit 2006 wird zunehmend der ebenfalls von Berners Lee… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Global Peace Index — Weltkarte des Global Peace Index 2011 … Deutsch Wikipedia
capital growth — An increase in the value of invested capital. Investment in fixed interest security or bonds provides income but limited capital growth (which may be improved in index linked gilt edged security). To have a chance of making substantial capital… … Big dictionary of business and management
Gilts — are bonds issued by the governments of the United Kingdom, South Africa, or Ireland. The term is of British origin, and refers to the debt securities issued by the Bank of England, which had a gilt (or gilded) edge. Hence, they are called gilt… … Wikipedia
gilts — British and Irish government securities. blue chip. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary gilt edged stocks. Also known as gilts. UK government bonds (excluding Treasury bills) denominated in sterling and issued in the domestic UK market. Dresdner… … Financial and business terms
Gilts — British and Irish government securities. * * * gilts gilts [gɪlts] noun [plural] FINANCE British government bonds sold by the Bank of England, done to finance the British national debt: • Gilts fell sharply desp … Financial and business terms